- affinity::montereyMonterey Bay elevation
- anglr::cad_tasCadastre and Contour
- anglr::cont_tasCadastre and Contour
- anglr::cst10Antarctic coastline
- anglr::gebcoworld elevation raster
- anglr::sf_data_zoosf data frame zoo.
- anglr::simpleworldsimple world
- area::mmPlanar straight line graphs and triangulations
- area::mm_triPlanar straight line graphs and triangulations
- area::tasPlanar straight line graphs and triangulations
- ceramic::citiesCities locations
- crsmeta::sfxSimple features example data
- crsmeta::sfx_newSimple features example data
- gdalio::AWSElevationsources
- gdalio::GEBCO2019
- gdalio::OSMMapsources
- gdalio::VirtualEarthSatellitesources
- gdalio::VirtualEarthStreetsources
- gdalwebsrv::gdal_web_sources
- gdalwebsrv::web_sources
- geojson::geojson_dataData for use in examples
- ggdal::iwinlandwaters polygon dataset
- guerrilla::bathyBathymetry data.
- palr::oisstSea surface temperature (SST).
- polymer::ASimple data examples
- polymer::BSimple data examples
- polymer::CSimple data examples
- polymer::fielddata
- polymer::soildata
- PROJ::xymapxymap data for testing
- quad::elevElevation data
- quadmesh::cmip6CMIP6 sample
- quadmesh::etopoWorld topography map
- quadmesh::worldllWorld raster map
- quadmesh::xymapWorld map
- rearcut::minpolyminpoly
- rearcut::taslakestaslakes
- scdb::hpolypholy
- sfdct::antarcticaAntarctica, and not Antarctica.
- sfdct::lakesuperiorLake Superior polygons.
- sfdct::map_worldThe 'world' database from the 'maps' package.
- silicate::ear_gcGeometry collection of triangles
- silicate::flight_tracksFlight tracks
- silicate::inlandwatersInland waters, for parts of Australia, and New Caledonia.
- silicate::minimal_meshMinimal mesh.
- silicate::mmeshDeprecated data set.
- silicate::polymeshPolygonal mesh
- silicate::routesTransport routes
- silicate::sfgcSimple features zoo.
- silicate::sfzooSimple features zoo.
- silicate::ear_gcGeometry collection of triangles
- silicate::flight_tracksFlight tracks
- silicate::inlandwatersInland waters, for parts of Australia, and New Caledonia.
- silicate::minimal_meshMinimal mesh.
- silicate::mmeshDeprecated data set.
- silicate::polymeshPolygonal mesh
- silicate::routesTransport routes
- silicate::sfgcSimple features zoo.
- silicate::sfzooSimple features zoo.
- tabularaster::ghrsstSea surface temperature data.
- tabularaster::oisstOptimally interpolated SST in near-native form.
- tabularaster::polycanoThe raster volcano as polygons.
- tabularaster::rastercanoThe raster volcano.
- tabularaster::sharkcanoSharkcano, the shark and the volcano.
- tabularaster::sst_regionsSea surface temperature data.
- textures::ga_topoTopographic image
- tissot::worldworld coastline
- traipse::trips0Simulated track data
- trip::walrus818Walrus tracking data set.
- trip::world_northWorld north polygons
- vapour::sst_cSST contours
- vapour::tas_wktExample WKT coordinate reference system
- ximage::logo_aR logo as an RGB image
- ximage::logo_nR logo as an RGB image
- ximage::topotopographic elevation